The first of our facts about Africa - 2023

focuses on the fascinating flora and fauna of the nation, Southern Africa. The southern part of Africa is famous for being extremely dry and arid, with a lot of grassland and desert.

Fynbos, however, is a one-of-a-kind species of plant found here. The Afrikaans word "fine bush" is the origin of the name, which is a reference to a specific type of heath or shrubland that is only found in the western Cape of South Africa.

The second of our facts about Africa reveals a little bit about the continent's animal kingdom. Africa is home to five famous animals that broke records. Although Africa's wildlife is generally quite diverse, some of the most famous animals have broken records.

The African elephant, the largest mammal in the world, and the cheetah, the fastest land animal on Earth, can be found here. The Nile crocodile, the largest reptile in the world, and the gorilla, the largest primate in the world, can both be found here. The giraffe, the world's tallest mammal, is also found in Africa.

There are thought to be approximately 3,000 distinct African tribes; however, there are those who believe that this number may be significantly exaggerated, with the actual number being significantly higher! The San, who live in the Kalahari Desert and are now farmers, are thought to be the nation's oldest tribe.

However, they were actually hunter-gatherers thousands of years ago. The Tutsi are probably the most well-known and easily identifiable tribe. In Rwanda and Burundi, this tribe is the second-largest caste.

The following section of our facts about Africa focuses on the culture surrounding death and the afterlife. Africans Were Among the First People to Mummify Their Dead. It is believed that nearly 9,000 years ago, African people were among the first to mummify their dead.

When a baby's mummified body was found in Uan Muhuggiag in southern Libya, this fact was discovered. The method that was used to mummify the child's body, which was quite advanced for the time, was discovered curled up in the foetal position.


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